By increasing the balance between the left and right sides of your brain, you can achieve a more restful state of mind.

Meet some clients who have improved their quality of life through regular use of the Sana device.*


Meet Mark, a 33-year old stay-at-home dad. He has issues with sleep and mood stabilization caused by chronic pain and a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Read more about Mark's story here.


Meet Zach, a 37-year old computer programmer. He has issues with chronic pain that have caused him long-term difficulty sleeping.

Read more about Zach’s story here.


Meet Jessica, a 44-year old stay-at-home mom. Jessica was diagnosed with several conditions that caused many symptoms, including stress and issues with sleep.

Read more about Jessica’s story here.


Meet Sam, a 45-year old social worker. He has experienced stress and worry for as long as he can remember, along with sleep disturbances.

Read more about Sam’s story here.

Why the Sana device? Let our clients tell you!*

My energy level came back to normal after the first use.
— Kris, a stay-at-home mom who home schools her kids
The more I use it, the better sleep I get.
— Steve, a daily Sana user
It has helped quiet my mind.
— Elaine, a university student
When I use my Sana, I find that its very calming and relaxing.
— Bob, an American Airlines pilot

*The Sana device is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any specific medical condition. Quotes are the opinions of product users and not representative of any guaranteed effects that the Sana device may provide or claims of product benefit. The Sana device is for use to enhance rest and relaxation.

Ready to Start Your Relief?

Customer Reviews


Kris Bradley

Using Sana the first time I got my energy back and had good days for the first time in 5 yrs. I’m still in pain, but it’s manageable.


Bob Zucker

I’ve used other devices for sleep and Sana is my favorite. The sound and light patterns slow my thoughts down and relax me. After just a few minutes with Sana I am sound asleep. It works every time.

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